Sunday, October 24, 2010

U.S. Citizens Giving up Civil Liberties

I do not think that U.S citizens should be forced to give up their civil liberties during a time of war.  We worked so hard to get these liberties and we should not have to give them up.  This goes against liberties such as the freedom of speech.  I think it would be alright if people made suggestions to give up their civil liberties during a time of war but they should not be forced to.  The citizens should be able to do what they feel is right.  I don't think the government should have to enforce loyalty either.  I think the government could tell the citizens what is going on and if the people wanted to help support the people in the war then they can.  But, if the citizens do not want to help them then they should not be forced to by the government.


  1. I agree that the United States shouldn't have to give up civil liberties, even in a time of war. I also like your piont that people should be able to make suggestions to give up their civil liberties in a time of war. But I do have to disagree that we shouldn't enforce loyalty. Some people living in the United States could be spy's for another country and could plan to destroy America.

    Alex Devolve

  2. (Hi Kristen)
    I agree with the fact that we worked really hard to get our civil liberties but also the people who are in the war are those who worked for our civil liberties and deserve us backing them up while they're away at war, so by us giving up our freedom of speech, we help the media to keep positive about the war and there is a better turnout in who enlists in the war, in the end helping us:)
    (Bye Kristen, good post. valid points. you da best)
