Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Progressive Era Reform

There are many problems in the U.S. that are in need of a reform. One of those issues is violence. Violence has been rapidly increasing over the years and getting worse and worse. The murder rate has gone up in the past year, especially in Boston, which needs to be stopped. Violence is not a way to solve problems, it only makes things worse. If people would mind their own business and not worry about other people then I think the violence could go down, also bringing down the homicide rate. Little children are even getting involved in these actions, which is not right. Something has to be done about this. Violence is just one of the many problems here in the U.S.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Yellow Journalist Article

Murder on the Maine!

Two days ago, February 15th, the U.S.S Maine exploded! It is believed that Spain created this plan to bomb the ship. Everyone was so surprised and did not see this coming. More than 250 American sailors were killed during this shipwreck. We must do something, we cannot let them get away with this! How long are we going to sit around and do nothing? If we fight them and win we could expand our territory into many new places! This could be a great experience and make us a stronger nation. Let's get them back!